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Teach Yourself Dutch

Teach Yourself Dutch is the course for anyone who wants to progress quickly from the basics to understanding, speaking and writing Dutch with confidence. Although aimed at those with no previous knowledge, it is equally suitable for anyone wishing to brush up existing knowledge for a holiday or business trip.

Key structures and vocabulary are introduced in 16 thematic units progressing from introducing yourself and dealing with everyday situations to using the telephone and giving opinions.

The emphasis is on communication throughout with important language structures introduced through dialogues on the accompanying recording. There are plenty of exercises to practise the language as it is introduced and tips throughout to help with grammar. Cultural information boxes give useful advice and information for anyone planning a trip to the Netherlands.

The new edition retains the tried-and-tested structure of the lessons but has been completely rewritten to reflect changes such as the introduction of the euro and the internet and bring the book right up to date. Grammar explanations have been changed to make them even easier to understand and dialogues and authentic texts have also been updated.

The page design has been improved and section headings given in English to make the course easier to use for the self-access learner.

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