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Giving directions in English

Giving directions in English

One of the main goals in parenting is to help the little ones become independent. Such a task is not easy to manage, but teaching them about giving and asking for directions puts the parents one step closer to the final goal. With this, they get to know how to move around thus becoming more confident about themselves. 

When learning how to give directions to a location, kids also practice some valuable skills such as how to navigate the town and, of course, city vocabulary. It’s important to take baby steps while teaching this topic, starting first with moving left or right, or up and down.

After this is advisable to talk about directions vocabulary such as roundabouts or sidewalks, and common expressions for giving and asking for directions in English like “turn left” or “go straight”. By doing this they’ll be able to start making more precise sentences to communicate their thoughts. 

Here you’ll find information related to this topic, and also useful phrases to give and ask for directions. Remember to practice the prepositions , which are also used when giving directions in English.

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