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Education Beginning Spanish Grammar Book

Education Beginning Spanish Grammar Book

McGraw-Hill Education Beginning Spanish Grammar: A Practical Guide to 100+ Essential Skills

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What you need to know to master basic Spanish grammar

McGraw-Hill: Beginning Spanish Grammar guides you through this often-difficult subject, clearly explaining essential concepts and giving you the practice you need to reach your language goals. With an easy and unintimidating approach, each chapter introduces one grammar topic followed by skill-building exercises, allowing you to learn and study at your own pace.

At the end of this workbook, you will have mastered grammar areas such as gender, articles, adjectives, possessives, and verb tenses and will be ready to take your grammar knowledge to the next level.


  • 107 units, each presenting one topic in a bite-sized, two-page format
  • More than 400 exercises that give you real confidencein your new language skills
  • A bilingual glossary featuring hundreds of terms for quick reference
  • Numerous illustrations and usage examples showingSpanish grammar in context

Luis Aragones and Ramon Palencia are Spanish-language learning experts. Grupo SM is the third-largest educational publisher in the Spanish-speaking world.

McGraw-Hill: Beginning Spanish Grammar is the first book in a three-part series: after completing this workbook you can build on your skills with McGraw-Hill: Intermediate Spanish Grammar and McGraw-Hill: Advanced Spanish Grammar.

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